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11470 Hawke Rd. Unit 1
Columbia Station,
Ohio 44028
Phone: 440-748-4042
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Concrete Protection Systems


About Epoxy Grouts

Vibration, rotation, shifting, and sheer weight... forces that deteriorate the concrete of every facility.

Epoxy Grouts are essential wherever rotating equipment, precision aligned machinery, heavy stationary tanks, rails, or load-bearing plates are installed. By creating stable foundations, machinery, equipment, and the surrounding concrete can perform at their peak for years of productive service.

  • High Tensile, Flexural and Compressive Strengths keep valuable machinery and equipment perfectly aligned for years of service
  • Low-Exotherm Cure minimizes shrinkage, ensuring full bearing where contact is maintained
  • Low-Dusting Aggregate provides a cleaner work area and a safer work environment
  • Fast Curing can accept full service in as little as 6 hours, minimizing downtime
  • High Flowability can be poured to form under hard-to-reach foundations and pump pads

Typical Applications:

  • chemical processing areas
  • food and beverage areas
  • heavy manufacturing areas
  • petrochemical
  • foundations
  • vessels and tanks
  • power transmission
  • pulp and paper plants
  • metal refining/mining
  • petroleum refining
  • turbines
  • rails
  • compressors
  • bearing plates
  • conveyor supports
  • cooling towers
  • engines
  • pumps
Not Available
Epoxy Grout CR

The Corrosion Resistant Solution

Where heavy-duty chemical resistance is required in addition to structural characteristics, as in pulp and paper industries, Epoxy Grout CR provides the same chemical protection as OverKote PlusŪ. It can withstand up to 98% sulfuric acid and hundreds of other harsh chemicals.

  • Dark Red only
  • .44 cubic foot kit
Epoxy Grout GP

The General Purpose Solution

Intended for applications where machinery and equipment impart large dynamic loads to their foundations, this three-component grout consists of epoxy resin, amine hardener, and specially mixed low-dusting aggregate.

  • Medium Gray only
  • .44 cubic foot kit or 1.75 cubic foot kit
Epoxy Grout QS

The Quick Set Solution

Where faster turn-around and reduced downtime are requirements, this three-component grout has the same qualities as Epoxy Grout GP, but with a shorter set time of under two hours.

  • Dark Blue only
  • .44 cubic foot kit


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